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I've been thinking of getting the new iPhone 4S for a few days. I have to say I'd be sad to let the old design go (I really like the soft curves of my 3GS) but it'd be nice to have a really fast phone again...
While I think about it (and try to convince myself that I really don't need to spend all this money) I thought I'd spice up my current phone a bit with some pretty wallpapers. Maybe that will do the trick and I won't feel like giving it away after all.
This idea came to me when reading Claire's post today. After a few minutes of clicking through the website, I realised that there were so many backgrounds I liked that there was no way I could ever decide for just one - this is why I've decided to change mine every week.
I'll show you which one I've chosen every Monday from now on, until I a) decide to get the iPhone 4S anyway, b) find a perfect background that I can't bear to take away, c) bore you to death with weeks and weeks of iPhone background updates. :-)
It's been a little quiet over here lately, but I'm still here. ♥
I made more of these. They look cute on our window sill.

With friends, gorillas, lions, giraffes, rhinos, meercats, hippos, hyenas, owls, and lots more!

Hmmm: grape jello. It's one of these things you cannot find in Europe, or only in very specialised shops. I still have a small batch, brought back from Canada, the US and Australia. I always buy some when I can and then I treasure it for months before making it. Lucky it doesn't go bad!
My friend had her birthday a few weeks ago, and I printed her this cloudy top.
Happy birthday Morgane!
I haven't been on here much in the past few days; I was too busy having a wonderful time with my mum and one of my brothers who were visiting us. Amongst all the things we did together, we spent a beautiful sunny day in Utrecht, where we saw the most beautiful flowers...
Photo from here.Remember Claire, my wonderfully talented friend from this neck of the woods?
She recently moved to Singapore and just opened a new online shop where she sells the most beautiful screen-printed paper goods. I couldn't resist ordering a few things (amongst which the fabulous feathers you can see above) and can't wait to see them all in real life soon.
Some red photos from my blog over the past 20-something months... time flies!