The other day my brother brought home a beamer with which we turned the living room into a perfect home cinema/giant playstation screen/wonderful way of spending time with the family while everyone was feeling pretty poorly...
This is one of the movies we watched. We all loved it and giggled all the way through! And forgot about our nausea and temperature for a bit.
No, I haven't disappeared... I have suffered a pretty bad stomach flu over the past few days though, and just when I thought I felt better I got hit by one of those silly ophthalmic migraines I get a few times a year... I guess I hadn't reached my quota for 2010 and needed to squeeze in that last one before December 31st!
So, not a fun few days all in all, but it means I had a zero calorie Christmas meal (hehe), and plenty of TLC from all family members around, which is always so helpful...
This Christmas the family greeting cards at my parents' place were slightly different from other years: Mum made a little online magazine on the colours red and green.
She asked for some input from my side, and I sent in some of my numbers - a selection of red and green ones, to go with the general theme.