As you might have noticed, Mart and I like climbing towers. We actually have a 'tower book', which I might show you another time, and in which we keep memories of all the towers we have climbed together.
So you can imagine that when we saw the amazing Vor Frelsers Kirke from our boat tour the day before, and heard that it was possible to climb it, we just had to go! That's what we did on our second day in Copenhagen, after some more shopping and strolling through side streets filled with fantastic little boutiques (such as this one and this one).
Climbing the church tower was really a great experience; it was so different than any other tower we had climbed so far. There are 400 steps to the top, weaving through small dark passages and steep ladders, and the last 150 are actually outdoors on beautiful golden stairs! No need to say the view from the top was great, especially with the beautiful weather we had that day. The inside of the church was very nice as well; we especially liked the huge organ, held by two impressive elephants.
In the afternoon we took the train back to Nyborg, which prompted a little detour to the west coast, in Esbjerg, where we saw the Mennesket ved Havet before driving off to Århus to stay with Janni and Daniel.

beautiful images as always!